


The Management module allows companies to register and control the costs related to their fleets, in a simple and effective way. It's fully integrated with GPS tracking, which allows you to validate the distances traveled and the locations reported in trip reports, invoices, bills or cash sales

The Management module in Frotcom allows you to register all costs associated to the operation of your fleet, including fuels, tolls, insurance, maintenance, tires, salaries, etc.

There are some great advantages on controlling these costs:

  • You will be able to calculate the real costs and - equally important - the cost per km/mi, for each vehicle. This will allow you to know exactly the profitability of your fleet.
  • You will be able to breakdown the costs of your fleet, giving you detailed information about the variable costs and the fixed costs of your fleet.
  • You will be able to detect wrong information, like wrong km readings, excessive fuel consumption or impossible refueling places and times (comparison with GPS data).

To go to the Management section, choose the More option from the menu and then choose Management from the drop down menu:

You will see the following panel:

The management module includes six folders:

Folder Description
Energy Allows you to control Energy levels and energy consumption and to compare the values observed by Frotcom with the Energy data entered manually or through cost file import.
Fleet Provides you with indicators and totals about the fleet's costs and consumption.
Costs Allows you to register all costs associated to the operation of your fleet.
Recurring costs Contains a list of fixed costs that you want to be automatically inserted in Frotcom.
Entities Allows you to create and edit entities/suppliers.
Preferences Allows you to define settings for the fuel management and to define your fixed and variable costs.

If you do not find the Management folder, please contact your Frotcom Certified Partner and request the Management module to be activated for your company.



To get the most out of Frotcom's Management module, please follow these intructions:

  1. Start by defining your company's parameters in the Preferences folder. These must be completely defined before you start introducing your fleet's costs.
  2. Prior to start entering fleet costs, you should define the main suppliers or entities which will generate those costs. For instance, you will need to create an entity - or several - which you buy fuel from. Later on, when you start introducing the costs, you will be asked to select the corresponding entity. You can add new entities at any time.
  3. Now you can start entering your costs in the Costs folder. For each cost you enter, you must select the date, cost type, entity and value. There are also other fields you may want to fill in. You can also schedule the automatic introduction of fixed costs in the recurring costs folder. Remember that if you need to create other costs types, either variable or fixed, you can do it in the Preferences folder. Associated to each cost you enter, you may also specify the kilometers in the vehicle's odometer. For that, use the Set odometer option. You can use the Cost list to browse all the costs you entered. You can filter costs by date, vehicle, cost type or entity.
  4. You can then calculate interesting ratios about your fleet's vehicles by choosing the Fleet folder. Please remember that in order to have a bigger precision on these ratios, you should select a time period large enough to dilute fluctuations in costs. Suggestion: do not rely on ratios calculated for periods of less than 3 months.
  5. Finally, you can run and print several cost related reports.


The reports related to data entered in the Management module are:

  • Detailed costs report
  • Summarized costs report
  • Cost and fuel consumption per km and hour report
  • Scheduled recurring costs report

If you wish to know more about reports, click here.


If you need additional clarification, please contact your Frotcom Certified Partner. You can find the contacts of the Frotcom Certified Partners here.

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