
Administration > Account > Route


In the Routes section of the Account administration, you can define several parameters that will be used on route monitoring activities.

In the Routes panel, you will find the following:

It contains the following sub-panels:

  • Send route to WFM/NAV
  • Color codes
  • Alerts
  • Navigator input
  • Settings
  • Corridor
  • Start tolerance
  • End tolerance
  • Geographical tolerance


Send route to WFM/NAV

This section allows you to define if and how route information should be sent to the onboard device (Garmin Personal Navigation Device - PND) when the route is assigned to a vehicle.


The Send route to WFM/NAV mode contains the following options:

No route information is sent to the driver's terminal if it exists.

Send destinations only
Sends only information of the destination points, not about the path to get there. It is available for Garmin devices which support protocols A603 and A618.

Enforce path
Sends to the driver's terminal the full path. These path restrictions are used by the vehicle's Garmin PND to calculate the best path. In other words, the Garmin device respects these instructions instead of freely calculating a new path. This option is available for Garmin devices which support protocol A614.


Note that every message sent to the driver will be available also in the Interact folder.


Note: Unlike Frotcom's application which supports both Here maps and Google maps, Garmin navigators use data generated from Here maps. Due to the fact that Here maps and Google maps might use different projections when calculating geographical coordinates, if you select Enforce path and your account uses Google maps, it might happen that the coordinates sent to the driver terminal are not exactly matching the predicted ones by the web application. For that reason, Frotcom strongly recommends the use of Here maps if you want to enforce paths.


Color codes

The Color codes sub-panel has the following information available:


The Minor delay and Major delay parameters are related to the color codes used by Frotcom to represent delayed route steps.

In the example above, routes delayed (ATA or ETA) more than 1 hour will be shown in red. Routes delayed (ATA or ETA) between 10 minutes and 1 hour will be shown in orange. Routes delayed (ATA or ETA) less than 10 minutes will be represented in a normal color: blue for active routes and green for completed routes.



The Alerts sub-panel has the following information available:


It contains the following information:

Field Description
Alert if departure happens earlier than the planned time minus

Mark this option if you want to trigger an alarm when the vehicle departs to the destination too soon.

The period you specify is how early it must depart to trigger the alarm. For instance, if you select 00:30, this means that you want to be alerted if the vehicle departs 30 minutes or more, earlier than planned.

NOTE: Default value is NO

Alert if departure happens later than the planned time plus

Mark this option if you want to trigger an alarm when the vehicle departs to the destination too late.

The period you specify is how late (tardy) it must depart to trigger the alarm. For instance, if you select 00:30, this means that you want to be alerted if the vehicle departs 30 minutes or more, later than planned.

NOTE: Default value is NO

Alert if arrival happens earlier than the planned time minus

Mark this option if you want to trigger an alarm when the vehicle arrives at the destination too soon.

The period you specify is how early it must arrive to trigger the alarm. For instance, if you select 00:30, this means that you want to be alerted if the vehicle arrives 30 minutes or more, earlier than planned.

NOTE: Default value is NO

Alert if arrival happens later than the planned time plus

Mark this option if you want to trigger an alarm when the vehicle arrives at the destination too late.

The period you specify is how late (tardy) it must arrive to trigger the alarm. For instance, if you select 00:30, this means that you want to be alerted if the vehicle arrives 30 minutes or more, later than planned.

NOTE: Default value is NO


Navigator input

The Navigator input sub-panel has the following information available:


If your vehicles are equipped with Garmin navigators connected to Frotcom, then you can configure the system to automatically generate routes based on the destinations selected by your drivers. When they press "Go" on the navigator, i.e. when they start navigating to a new destination, you will know it and you will be able to follow their route execution.

This is an alternative to entering the routes from the office. In this alternative, it's actually the drivers that enter information in Frotcom about where they are moving to.

You have the following options on the Set destination when driver presses "Go" on the Navigator:

Option Description
No No routes will be created from the drivers' Garmin navigation devices.
Always Every time a driver presses "Go", this will create a new route in Frotcom. In the case there was another active route currently assigned to that vehicle - either assigned in the office or by the driver having pressed  "Go" - it will be abandoned and the new one will be set as active.
Only if there are no other routes already assigned to the vehicle

In this case, if Frotcom detects that there are active or pending routes assigned to this vehicle by an office - based user - (i.e. in the web interface), then the "Go" command will be ignored and no new route will be created from it.

This modality avoids having "Go" commands overriding routes planned by the office.

NOTE: the default value is NO



The Settings sub-panel has the following field:


In some activities, route times may need to be specified to a fraction of a minute. For example, bus routes have to consider stops which on average take a small number of seconds.

If your company has to deal with routes specified to fractions of minutes, you can configure Frotcom to use seconds instead of minutes. If you do so, change the Show seconds in time selectors value to Yes. As result, all routes date/time fields will be shown in seconds instead of minutes.



The Corridor sub-panel has the following information available:


The Use corridors in all steps of the route option is useful if you want to create a Corridor exit alarm for all your route steps. For that, change the value of the Corridor sub-panel to Yes. After that, you will be able to define the default width of the corridor:


Finally, the Start toleranceEnd tolerance, and Geographical tolerance parameters are used by Frotcom to perform automatic route detection. This is a very technical set of parameters and should not be configured without supervision from your Frotcom Certified Partner because there is the risk that Frotcom will no longer be able to correctly detect and monitor the execution of routes.


If you want to know more, click here.

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