
Administration > Tachograph


In Europe, if you are an operator of heavy vehicles, you have the following responsibilities:

  1. To download the data from the tachograph driver cards at least every 21 days (data on a driver card will be overwritten after about 28 days);
  2. To download the data from the tachograph mass memory of each vehicle at least every 90 days (data on a tachograph mass memory will be overwritten after about 365 days);
  3. To keep the data above for at least one year. You must make the downloaded information in its “raw” original format and available to an enforcement officer if requested.
  4. To monitor the drivers’ records and print-outs. If there are breaches of drivers’ rules, you must address them and take steps to ensure they do not repeat. The breaches are:
  • Non-compliance with the driver’s hours rules;
  • Details of “missing mileage” – where a vehicle has been driven without a driver card;
  • Missing activities during shift-breaks, other work, etc.;
  • Missing start and end locations;
  • Over-speeding occurrences.


Frotcom’s Tachograph Remote Download module makes it possible for companies to obtain files without having to send someone to each vehicle, to retrieve data from the tachograph. The operation can be done over-the-air without leaving the office. Frotcom’s Tachograph Remote Download is targeted at transportation companies and other companies using heavy vehicles in Europe that need to obtain the tachograph and driver card files for legal purposes.

With this new module, it is now possible to download tachograph files remotely, from both the tachograph’s mass memory and the drivers’ tachograph cards. In the same scope, automatic driver identification is also possible by reading the number of the driver card inserted in the tachograph. This feature has to be activated in the tracking device, which has to be connected to the truck’s CAN bus. The remote download has the following components:


The tachograph company card is inserted in a smart card reader connected to a PC in your company's office. On the vehicle, the tachograph is connected to Frotcom's tracking device. The data flow is produced as described in the following table:

Step Description Notes
0 Data download scheduling You configure Frotcom to automatically download the tachographs files and the drivers' card files according to a certain schedule. Different periodicities can be defined for the tachograph's data and the driver's card data.
1 Tachograph data request At the predefined moments, Frotcom contacts the tachograph and requests the data to be downloaded.
2 Authorization request Frotcom's tracking device obtains the authorization to download the data from the tachograph by retrieving the necessary company card data.
3 Authorization The authorization is sent to the tracking device. The tracking device retrieves the requested data from the tachograph or the inserted driver card.
4 Data upload The tachograph or driver card data is uploaded to Frotcom's Data Center. The file is then validated to check if it is readable and complete. If not, the download process is restarted.
5 Data download The data is then sent automatically (by email) to the office, downloaded manually by you, in Frotcom's web interface, or retrieved automatically by the card reader application.


To enjoy Frotcom's Tachograph Remote Download Module functionalities, you need first to download and install Frotcom's Card Read Application.

For downloading and an installation guide, click here. If you need a user guide of Frotcom's Card Reader Application, click here.

The main features of the Tachograph Remote Download Module are: 

  • Schedule the remote downloads of the vehicle's tachograph data.
  • Schedule the remote downloads of the driver's tachograph data.
  • Automatically identify drivers
  • Download the tachograph data from Frotcom's Data Center to your computer.


For you to administrate Frotocom's tachograph features on your company, click on the User icon, on the top right part of the screen:


Then select the Administration tab from the drop-down menu.


A new window will open with the Administration menu. From that menu, select the Tachograph tab:


After that, the next panel will be available:



And on the left side, you are able to see the following main sections:

Section Description
Tachographs General information about vehicle's data and periodicity settings
Drivers General information about driver's data and periodicity settings
Options General options and downloadable applications
VDO Fleet logs Communication logs for the VDO Fleet integration


In the top-right corner you will find a couple of options under the Hamburger menu:



With the Export option you can export a .cvs file with the information currently displayed in the table, while the Import option allows you to import to Frotcom tachograph files that were not downloaded using the Tachograph remote download functionality:



To import the files, you must select the option Import files in the hamburger menu of Administration > Tachograph. For the files to be imported, they must contain a valid VIN or Tachograph driver number that matches with a vehicle or a driver previously created in Frotcom.



Please make sure you use the right settings. Please contact your Frotcom Certified Partner in case of any doubt. You can find the contacts of the Frotcom Certified Partners here.

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