
Administration > Vehicles > General


The General section contains some subsections of settings:Vehicle_general_details.JPG


The first section is Identification:


In this section, the following settings are used:

Setting Description
License plate This is the license plate of the vehicle. By default, this is the main identifier of a vehicle in Frotcom.

By default, all the vehicles set in your account are created with tracking mode "Vehicle with GPS". This means that your vehicle has an associated GPS tracker.

There are also cases of assets with GPS (e.g. semi-trailer); of vehicles without GPS (used for cost management only); and of assets without GPS (these can be coupled with vehicles with GPS)


The Vehicle Identification Number, commonly abbreviated to VIN, is a unique serial number used by the automotive industry to identify individual motor vehicles, towed vehicles, motorcycles and mopeds as defined in ISO 3833. The VIN is normally composed of 17 characters, which does not include the letters I (i), O (o), or Q (q) (to avoid confusion with numerals 1 and 0). It is commonly printed on the vehicle chassis and/or windshield to dissuade theft.

Engine number

This is the serial number of the engine in the vehicle


This field is read-only. It contains the identification of the GPS tracker installed by your Frotcom Certified Partner in the vehicle.


Also, next to the header, you will find the Generate QR Code button:


It can generate a unique QR Code with the vehicle's identification (License Plate). For instance, it can be used to identify and change vehicles and assets using the Driver app.

You can click on the Download button to download the image:


The second section is Description:


Here you have the following settings:

Setting Description
Vehicle type Type of the vehicle, defined in Vehicle Settings - Vehicle Type.

Vehicle class

When generating a map route using the Directions feature (with Google maps), Frotcom uses the selected Vehicle class for the determination of the maximum speed. Also, the Vehicle class is used as a parameter for the Driving time restrictions.

Vehicle icon

This is the icon that will be displayed on the map representative of a particular vehicle. By default, the following icon is chosen: 


Vehicle manufacturer


Vehicle model


This field is read-only. It contains the identification of the GPS tracker installed by your Frotcom Certified Partner in the vehicle.

If you can't find the right engine in this list, contact your Frotcom Certified Partner to add it with the respective technical specification.

Year  The year of production of this vehicle.
Acquisition date The date in which your company purchased or contracted (leasing, renting) the vehicle.


The next section is Organization:


Here you have the following settings:

Setting Description
Department You can use this setting to associate the vehicle to a department or similar form of group in your company or organization.

You can use this setting to associate the vehicle to a second group level in your company or organization.


The next section is Association:


Here you have the following settings:

Setting Description

If the vehicle is coupled to an asset (e.g. a semitrailer, this will indicate it). Hence you can use this field to indicate the asset associated with the vehicle.

Frotcom also has automatic mechanisms to associate assets to vehicles, check with your Frotcom Certified Partner.


If your company uses the Workforce Management module in Frotcom, this field indicates which Android terminal is currently associated with the vehicle.


This is the driver currently associated with the vehicle/asset.

Frotcom also has automatic mechanisms to associate drivers to vehicles, check with your Frotcom Certified Partner.


If your company uses driving teams, you must select the co-driver to create a team.

The co-driver seats with the driver but will waits their turn to go behind the wheel. Use this field to switch driver and co-driver inside a team or to disassemble a team manually.


The next section is Odometer: 


Here you have the following settings:

Setting Description
Use CANBus mileage The source of the value for the Odometer in Frotcom is GPS by default - unless you select this option (only visible if the vehicle has CANBus).

The odometer field shows you the total mileage executed by the vehicle since it was equipped with a Frotcom device. You can edit and change this field to correct it, when needed.

Please be aware of the following:

a) The virtual odometer measures distances in a straight line between two consecutive positions sent by a Frotcom device.

b) Although Frotcom makes some corrections to compensate for mileage errors, these distances are usually smaller than the real ones.

c) You should not trust the virtual odometer “blindly”. We suggest you give it a 5% error margin to account for measuring errors.

Some customers update the virtual odometer field manually every month or so, by looking at the real odometer in the corresponding vehicle. This way, the virtual odometer in Frotcom may be used as an estimate of the real mileage ran by a vehicle, for instance for maintenance purposes.

Update odometer from costs

If you are using Frotcom's cost management module, you can use the odometer reports in cost statements and cost files to correct the estimated odometer in Frotcom. Choose Yes here if you want that option to be active.

Fixed costs

If you decided to Update odometer from costs above, you will be able to specify for which fixed costs the odometer can be updated.

Variable costs

If you decided to Update odometer from costs above, you will be able to specify for which variable costs the odometer can be updated.


Similar to the vehicle odometer that stores the total mileage, the vehicle chronometer stores the total number of hours travelled, i.e., the total duration of trips since Frotcom is tracking the vehicle.

Although the number of hours may not be the most important indicator for a truck or van, for some other equipment, such as road construction or civil works machinery, the total number of hours impacts the need for maintenance and the values to be charged in the case of machinery rental contracts.

Cruise control

Use this setting to indicate if this vehicle has a cruise control capability. This setting is used when evaluating driving behavior.

If the vehicle reports information regarding Cruise Control, this option will be automatically selected.


In order to see all the existing notes related to a specific vehicle, click Notebook on the upper right part of the screen:



After that, you will be redirected to the Notebook panel and the Note type of the Notebook filtering options will be defined as Vehicles with the concerning vehicle selected. The remaining filters will adopt the default values. After, if on the Notebook panel, you click Add new to insert a new note, all the fields will be automatically filled according to the vehicle that you previously visited.

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