How to Edit a Route
Only Pending routes can be edited. If you want to know more about route statuses, click here.
You have two ways to edit an already assigned route:
- Option 1: via Routes folder
- Option 2: via Tracking route - Map view
Option 1: Routes folder
- Go to the Routes folder and select the Table view mode in the View field.
- Search for the particular route that you want to edit.
- Click on the respective link under the Vehicle column:
Option 2: Tracking route - Map view
- Go to the Tracking route - Map view
- Click on the linear diagram icon:
- Click Edit route details button.
Now, you are able to modify all the settings, similarly to what was done during the route creation and assignment. With the exception that (in the edition mode) is not possible to change the vehicle to which the route was previously assigned.
After you perform all your modifications, click Update this route.
The Confirm assign route panel will be displayed to you:
If you choose Send route to WFM/NAV, the driver will receive a message on their Garmin PND device as the following:
How to delete a route
Only pending routes can be deleted. If you want to know more about route statuses, click here.
To delete a route, follow the next steps:
- Go to the Routes folder and search for the particular route that you want to delete. See to which vehicle it was assigned.
- Go back to the map and search for the assigned vehicle on the vehicles list in the map screen. Click the vehicle.
- Enter in the Tracking routes - Map view mode.
The following warning message will be shown:
To confirm, press Yes and the route will be deleted.
The driver will then receive a message on their Garmin PND device: