How does it work?
The data transmission is hassle-free and does not require complicated installations or disruptions. As a Frotcom customer, you can quickly send PVT data without additional hardware installations.
Using a simple integration, any external telematics system can be integrated to send PVT data (time, position, velocity, direction, ignition) to Frotcom, you need to post a JSON formatted messages in the body of a URL provided by your FCP, on a software tool to send messages automatic.
With this integration, you can quickly insert localization data to your Frotcom vehicles, you will need:
- Connection Identification (Reply by your FCP partner after requesting the service).
- Vehicle identification (Your internal vehicle ID, must be unique on an account)
No authentication user or token is required.
And you can insert the following data:
- Timestamp (Day and time in which the information refers, the time zone used must be UTC yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.sZ)
- Position (Latitude and Longitude).
- Direction (The direction in which the device is traveling 0 to 360).
- Speed (the velocity of the vehicle greater or equal to 0).
- State of the ignition (true or false).
As the following example:
Sending this message, will add a position to the Frotcom vehicle PT 0001 XT on the date indicated, in Lisbon (latitude and longitude as example), and the vehicle is moving SW/120º at the speed of 80 km/h with ignition on. Sending several positions you will see them in Frotcom Web with a path, trips, graphs, etc...
One message sent can have several vehicles, positions and timestamps, just make sure you send them order from older to newest (older on top of the message).
Sending a new message with new coordinates, you will see the vehicle path and the vehicle moving:
Important notice: The maximum position allowed is 1 position by minute by vehicle, more than that may be ignored, and also positions can not be in the future (no more than 5 minutes in the future converted to Universal Time Coordinated/UTC).
Additional information:
Steps to establish the integration
1. Request this service to your Frotcom Certified Partner.
2. Provide the destination account and a list of vehicles with your vehicles identification
- Account: Customer 1
License plate to show on Frotcom Your internal Provider identification unique PT 0001 XT 989746 ...
3. Your Frotcom Certified Partner will reply with confirmation that all vehicles were created, the URL and your connection Identification to include into your messages.
3. Start sending messages.
4. Check on Frotcom Web your vehicles moving.
If you want to add more vehicles, you need to send them to your FCP following the steps describe above.
When sending data, you will get some responses:
[{"connectionId":"...","vehicleId":"989746","result":"Accepted - 1 positions injected in Frotcom","reasons":[]}]
- This means that one position was saved for the vehicle 989746.
[{"connectionId":"...,"vehicleId":"234","result":"Rejected","reasons":["VehicleID 234 does not belong to ConnectionID xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxxxx"]}]
- The vehicle 234 does not belong to the account of the connection id. Check with your FCP any reason for this error.
Some others errors that you may receive (self-explained):
- Timestamp cannot be more than 5 minutes in the future.
- Timestamp cannot be older than 1 month.
- Latitude must be between -90 and 90.
- Longitude must be between -180 and 180.
- Direction must be between 0 and 360 degrees.
- Speed must be a non-negative integer.
- Ignition status is required.
For more information, please contact your Frotcom Certified Partner.