
Routes > Assigned routes > Table view


By selecting the Table view mode on the Assigned routes panel, you will see the following screen:



Left to each respective license plate, you will have the identification of the current status of the route, by color:

Status of the route Dot color


The Show route details option allows you to choose if you want to see the global route information or each individual route's step:

  • By un-ticking the Show route details you will see all the routes with its starting point, destination and times:
  • By ticking the Show route details you will see all the route steps of each route, individually. Each step with its starting point, destination and times:


The table view contains the following information:

Column Description
Vehicle Vehicle to which the route was assigned
Driver Driver currently in the vehicle or, in the case of already completed or abandoned routes, the driver who was in the vehicle when it was completed or abandoned
Route name

The name of the route, if not defined by you, it will be automatically named using "departure point name" to "arrival point name".

Started from Planned start of route
Arrived at Planned destination of route
STD Scheduled time of departure
ATD Actual time of departure
STA Scheduled time of arrival
ATA Actual time of arrival
ETA Estimated time of arrival
Time to arrival

Estimated time left until arrival

Time to arrival = ETA - current time

Distance to arrival Distance on path, from current position to destination (Km or mi)

For active routes, this is the difference between the STA and the ETA.

For completed routes, this is the difference between the STA and ATA.

On trip now

If the vehicle is currently traveling it will be marked as such.

If the vehicle is currently stopped it will not be marked.


For all the routes/steps, you will be able to click on the respective vehicle identification row under the Vehicle column:


If the route is not pending, you will be redirected to the Tracking routes - Map view. If the route is pending, you will be able to edit an already assigned route.

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