
Administration > Setting user preferences > Show notification panel


You may configure alarm notifications to warn you whenever a new message or form is received, or when a new alarm is triggered.

These notifications are sent directly to your Window's notification Center. This way you can be aware of new Messages/Forms Alarms even if Frotcom is currently not the main tab of your browser.



To configure the notification panel messages you must access your User preferences panel and click on the Notifications tab:



If you select Show notification panel under the Messages and Forms block, whenever you receive a new Message or Form (via Interact), you will receive a notification in your Window's notification Center just like the examples below:




Now, if you select Show notification panel under the Alarms block, you may choose to receive them With or Without Details:



By default, the messages without details are displayed to you whenever a new Alarm is triggered. The notification contains the current number of unprocessed alarms:



If you'd rather receive the notifications with details, you must select one or more Severity levels. Only the alarms under the chosen severity levels will be notified to you.

This notification contains the Alarm type, the License Plate of the vehicle, the Driver, and the location of the event:




After you select any of these options, you will be asked by your browser to authorize Frotcom to send you notifications. Make sure to select Allow in order to receive the notifications:



If you did not receive this authorization alert, or if you want to force your browser/OS to receive the notifications, you may follow the following steps:


In the Settings of your browser, make sure to give permission to send notifications (as an example, in Google Chrome, you must go to Settings > Privacy and Security > Site Settings):



Now, in the Windows' Settings > Notifications & actions, make sure that your browser is authorized to send you notifications:



Restart your browser to make sure these changes are applied and you must be able to receive the notification messages from Frotcom.


Note: You will receive notifications whenever a message is sent, even if it's not by you (another user from the same company, for instance.

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