Sixfold is one of Europe's leading real-time logistics visibility platforms for the supply chain.
Shippers and carriers seamlessly integrate their transport management systems with the Sixfold visibility platform to know where their shipments are and when they will arrive with minimal manual work from either of the parties. The platform aggregates data from all telematics systems into one data stream giving real end-to-end visibility of shipments.
With the one-click integration solution, you only have to login once with your Frotcom credentials, and everything is set up in the background.
How to use it
In Administration > Account > Integrations you will see the following section:
You must select a Vehicle filter that includes the vehicles that will be reported to Sixfold, or you can choose the default option All to report all the vehicles of the fleet.
Now you just need to click on the Start integration button and wait until the process is concluded. Once it's done, you will be prompted to Sixfold's login page (if you're not already logged in):
Now the integration is successfully established, and the data is delivered to Sixfold.
If you want to know more about Sixfold, you can check this short overview video that explains quite well what the core business is about.
How to stop the integration
In order to stop the integration, once stablished, you must contact your Frotcom Certified Partner and request the users that are used for the integration (user type = Sixfold Integration) to be removed.