A set of options is available for you to have control over the calculation of Driving times using Restriction rules.
These rules can be used to calculate Nearest vehicles and Directions, both for a single driver or for Driving teams (allowing the multi-manning):
In order to optimize the driving times using restriction rules, you must enable the option in Administration > Account - Driving conditions - Driving time restriction:
Directions and Nearest vehicles
You can now use the driving time restriction rules to calculate Directions and the Nearest vehicles. To do that, you must open the respective Settings popup and select Use driving time restriction rules:
Once you allow this option, you can choose from the settings below what best fits your needs:
Option | Description |
Cover maximum distance using extra hours and reduced rest | If you select this option, Frotcom will consider the Extra hours and Reduced rest available for the driver (or drivers, in case of a driving team) to optimize the route. Otherwise, the calculation won't consider these extra times even when available for the driver. |
Use driving teams |
This option is only visible if the option Allow use of driving teams is enabled in Administration > Account > Driving conditions. If you select this option, Frotcom will take into account the driving times of both drivers (when available). The switch of drivers will be displayed with the following icon in the route: |
Calculate using current driving time of driver(s) | If you select this option, Frotcom will consider only the hours the driver (or drivers) have available at the moment of the calculation. Otherwise, this information will be ignored, and the calculation will be done as if the driver had just started the day. |
Note: The algorithm is not considering the weekly daily rest. Therefore, if a trip lasts for more than six days, you must manually add the weekly rest discarded by the algorithm.
Multi-manning is the name of a condition that driving teams may fall under. It happens when the driving times of the team respect a strict order, as described in the panel below:
30 hours period
Driver 1 |
Driver 2 |
Daily Rest |
Daily Rest |
Other work 1 hour |
Daily rest (not on vehicle) 1 hour |
Driving 4,5 hours |
Availability 4,5 hours |
Break + availability 4,5 hours |
Driving 4,5 hours |
Driving 4,5 hours |
Break + availability 4,5 hours |
Break + availability 4,5 hours |
Driving 4,5 hours |
Driving 1 hour |
Break + availability 1 hour |
Break + availability 1 hour |
Driving 1 hour |
Daily rest 9 hours |
Daily rest 9 hours |
If a driving team is under the rules of Multi-manning, an icon will be displayed under the Driving times panel of the Vehicle infobox: