
Administration > Vehicles > License restrictions


You can use the License restrictions to restrict vehicles of your fleet to drivers with a particular set of valid Driving license classes. For instance, you may use the License restrictions only to allow a vehicle to be driven by drivers with a valid B license or a license for heavy vehicles.


To configure License restrictions to a vehicle, be sure first to configure Driving license classes and to set these classes to your drivers.


After that, you may select a vehicle in editing mode and click on the License restrictions tab:



To add a new restriction, click on the ADD button. You will be required to choose a license class available for the account.

You also can choose a complimentary license class. In this case, the driver must have both licenses (the main and the complementary one) to be able to drive the vehicle.

When you're done, click on the Save button:



You can also edit or delete a restriction using the respective buttons to the right of each row.


Now that you have the restrictions for this vehicle set up, you can proceed to the Drivers whitelist tab.

Here you will find the option Use driving license restriction:



Activate this option on the slide button.

If this vehicle already contains a whitelist configured, you will be asked to confirm the action:



Once you confirm, the whitelist will be configured to be used with the Driving license restrictions.

The list with the drivers in the whitelist will be updated:



When Use driving license restrictions is OFF, the list will show the drivers you manually chose. When you activate this option, Frotcom will automatically show you all drivers with valid driver licenses that can drive the vehicle. Hence, you need to opt between the manual selection of the whitelisted drivers, or an automatic selection based on the driving licenses required.

All driver whitelist updates are sent to the vehicles daily, approximately at 00:00 UTC. In case you want the whitelist to be immediately updated in the vehicle, use the Update now button. To control the communication data volume, the button will then be inhibited for 5mns before you'll be able to update again. If there is a pending whitelist, the button will be disabled until the driver whitelist is delivered to the vehicle.

A driver whitelist configured for Driving license restrictions changes every time that:

  • A driving license expires, and the driver with this license is registered in the whitelist;
  • A driver is deleted, and they're configured in the whitelist;
  • A new license is added to a driver, and this type of license is a vehicle restriction;
  • A driver in a whitelist changes their driver identification (RFID or iButton);
  • A driver status varies between May drive and Cannot drive for a driver with valid licenses for a whitelist.
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