Frequent messages are messages or texts that you can create and save to, later on, add them to your messages in a straightforward way.
To manage your frequent messages, go to the Hamburger menu on Interact and click on the option Frequent messages:
You will see the list of your previously saved frequent messages, which you can click on and edit them:
Clicking on Add new button, you can add a new frequent message:
If you want to write messages faster, you can use the Shortcuts option. Here, you can define a combination of keys (ALT key plus any other key of your choice). When you use this combination of keys, the corresponding frequent message will be written in the message you are writing to send.
When you are sending a message, you can click on Frequent messages to select one or more messages/texts to add to your current message. Alternatively, you can use the shortcuts, if defined:
You can repeat the insertion of the frequent messages as many times as you wish, keeping in mind the size limitation (maximum number of characters) of the final message you are sending.
The same happens on Interact > Reply to messages, where you can see the link near the link Attach location.