
Dashboard - How to add indicators?


Note that to add Indicators, you must firstly create a Group. If you want to know how to create a Group, click here.

To add an Indicator, click on the  icon on the respective Group bar. The Indicator configuration panel will become available to you:

Frotcom has organized the Indicators in 4 different Types.

Type Description
Now These indicators relate to the current situation of your fleet.
Period These indicators describe your fleet's performance for a given period of time. They can be totals or averages. If you want to see how a fleet performance indicator evolved along a period of time, please choose the "Evolution" indicators instead.
Outliers These indicators are an easy way to spot the vehicles/drivers with the best or worst performances in a given period of time.
Evolution These indicators describe the evolution of your fleet's performance along a given period of time. If you want to see the totals or averages of those performance indicators within the period of time, please choose the "Period" indicators instead.

After you select the Type that you want, you can select the desired Indicator:

Confirm your selection by clicking on Next. The following panel will become available to you (note that depending on the Indicator, there might be different available settings. For the sake of the example, we will consider the Type Period and Indicator Fleet occupancy):

In this panel, you are able to select the timeframe which shall be considered for the Indicator calculation. For that, click on the timeframe dropdown list and select the desired interval among the available options:

You are also allowed to select the vehicles which you want to be considered in the indicator. You can tick or un-tick the respective vehicle, according to your preferences:

You can also click on the Select all or None buttons, located in the upper part of the vehicle list, to perform the respective actions.

Finally, this panel allows you to chose the type of representation for your IndicatorThe are several possible ways to represent the Indicators. Not all the types are available for all the Indicators. It depends on the Indicator to be shown:

Number Gauge


Ring Pictorial


Bar chart Vertical chart

Each Type has the following Indicators:

Type Indicator Representations
Now Fleet occupancy Number, Gauge, Ring, Pictorial
Vehicles in places Number, Gauge, Ring, Pictorial
Vehicles on trip Number, Gauge, Ring, Pictorial
Period Fleet occupancy Number, Gauge, Ring, Pictorial
Average driving time Number
Average mileage Number
Outlier Drivers with more alarms Bar chart
Vehicles with more alarms Bar chart
Evolution Fleet workload Vertical chart
Alarms per vehicle Vertical chart

Once you are done with your selection, click Save button on the Indicator configuration panel:

On the other hand, if you want to return to the previous panel of selection the Type and/or Indicator, click Previous. If you wish to cancel your actions, click  Cancel.

After you save your preferences, the Indicator will be displayed in the respective Group:

By clicking on the  icon, on the top right part of the Indicator square, it will take you to the Indicator configuration panel with all the previously mentioned editable settings. In case you edit an Indicator, confirm your modifications by clicking Save.

If you wish to remove an Indicator from a Group, click the  icon, on the top right part of the Indicator square.

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