
Administration > Tachograph > Card Reader Application > User Guide


This section regards the Company Card Reader Application to be installed in one of your company's computers, which must be connected to a Smart Card Reader. This application will be responsible for the communications with the tachographs, through the onboard Frotcom tracking devices, in order to obtain the necessary permission from your company card and transfer it to the tachograph. Therefore, the application helps you retrieve the downloaded tachograph files from Frotcom's data center to your local computer.

If you need to download the Company Card Reader Application and check the installation guide, please click here.


Launching the application

After you install the application, you can launch it by clicking on Frotcom's card reader application icon on the desktop, or by selecting it from the list in Start > Programs.



If it's the first time you're running the application  you'll see the following window:



Please note that the application must always be running in order for the company card to issue the necessary authorizations to reach the tachographs.


Detecting a card

The Company Card Reader App will automatically detect cards that are inserted in Smart Card Readers connected to the computer. However, whenever you connect a new reader, you must restart the application for it to detect the new card.

If you launch the application with a card connected to the computer you will see the following window:



You may give this card an alias to help you identify it (useful if you have many cards connected at once).



Now, you must enter the credentials for this card. The username and password must correspond to a valid username and password for your Frotcom account, which has been attributed the privilege to use the Company Card Reader application.

You also must choose a folder in which the files will be stored:



When you are done, click on Save. Your card will be ready:



Note: The company cards and their aliases are stored in Frotcom, meaning that if the same Company card is loaded on another computer it will be detected. In these cases, you will be asked to keep the same alias or change it to a new one:




If more than one card is connected to the computer, the Company Card Reader application will detect them all, and list them in the left section of the app:



You will need to do the same procedures for all the cards you want to activate the Tachograph Remote Download.


Important: Starting in Windows 8, the Windows platform supports a maximum of 10 smartcard readers. If more than 10 smartcard readers are available, APIs return a maximum of 10. All other readers are ignored. You can find more information in this article.


Refresh cards

Since version, the CardReaderApp allows you to detect new Company cards connected without restarting the app. Press the button Refresh cards to run the detection. If there is an authentication process running, you will be warned and the refresh will be aborted.

Note that, depending on the number of card readers connected, this operation may take some minutes to complete. After running the detection, you can update the card details such as friendly name and Frotcom credentials. You need to save them for each card for it to start being used.



Auto-start at login

If you wish your Company Card Reader application to start right after you log in on Windows, you can easily select the checkbox Auto-start at login located above the Frotcom logo, at the bottom-left corner.

This is the recommended configuration to avoid the app being stopped after a reboot, which would not allow tachograph files to be downloaded thereafter:



If you need further assistance, please contact your Frotcom Certified Partner. You can find the contacts of the Frotcom Certified Partners here.

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