
The simplified driving behavior view


You can see each vehicle and driver’s Driving score in the Driving behavior folder. Choose it from the menu:


On the first tab of this panel you will see a list with your fleet's vehicles and drivers. This is the simplified Driving behavior list. 



The columns contain the following information:

  • Information column
    If this blue icon  is displayed in the first column of the table, it means that this vehicle does not have enough mileage in the period for driving behavior analysis. Check the Settings to see the minimum mileage after which Frotcom shows you the driving behavior analysis.

  • Recommendations column
    If Frotcom has driving recommendations for this vehicle/driver, a red icon like the following will be displayed:

    Click the icon to read the recommendations:

  • Vehicle
    This is the vehicle for which Frotcom is reporting driving score in the period. However, if you choose to Classify by Drivers, on the top selector, this column will be Driver instead of Vehicle.

  • Drivers
    This is the driver (or drivers) that drove the vehicle in the period.
    However, if you choose to Classify by Drivers, on the top selector, this column will be Vehicles instead of Drivers (so the column will indicate the vehicle or vehicles that were driven by this driver).

  • Score
    This is the Driving Score that Frotcom gave to the selected vehicle or driver. Check here how Frotcom calculates the Driving Score.

  • Mileage
    This is the total mileage driven in the selected period. Remember that the larger mileage the more likely it is for Frotcom to have enough data to classify the driving behavior.

  • Driving time
    This is the total driving time in the selected period. Remember that the larger driving time the more likely it is for Frotcom to have enough data to classify the driving behavior.

  • Average consumption
    For vehicles with Fuel consumption reading, this column shows the average fuel consumed in the period.


The vehicles displayed on the list are ordered from best driving behavior (highest driving score) on top to worst driving behavior on the bottom. You can invert the order by clicking the title of the Score column.

A score of 1 represents the worst possible score in the period and is associated to a very poor driving behavior.

A score of 10 represents the best possible score and is associated to an excellent driving behavior.

Consequently, a score of 5.5 represents the exact average for all drivers in Frotcom. If your driver gets a 5.5 or higher score, this means he/she is better than average.

The color of the bar and the score number (1-10) change as the Driving score changes. The possible colors are:


Note that by default only vehicles with 20 or more km traveled in the selected period are shown and used in the analysis. This automatic filter avoids making conclusions about driving behavior when an insufficient number of tracking records has been obtained. You can change the minimum mileage, from the default 20.0 km to any other number. To do that, click the menu button:


Then, choose Settings.

Change the Minimum mileage and Apply.

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