
Alarms triggered


Viewing the Alarms

There are two ways for you to you to check the alarms which have been triggered:

Option 1: click the alarms icon (red circle with exclamation bar) on the right side of the menu bar.
The number of all unprocessed alarms existent is indicated to the right of the alarms icon:



Option 2: click the Alarms option under the More menu:


You will see the following list of all the triggered alarms:



Navigating through the panel

You can use filters to narrow the list:

By default, you will see the alarms triggered in the last seven days, but you can change that period:


You can also specify for which vehicles or drivers you want to see the alarms, or which alarm types you want to see. You can select all, some or just one:


You can as well choose to see only unprocessed alarms or all the alarms. An unprocessed alarm is one that you or another user in your account still have not marked as processed or analyzed.

Finally, you can also use the open search box to look for a specific text.

Unless you change the order, the first rows show the latest alarms triggered.


Alarm details

To see the details of an alarm, click on the corresponding row:


The black dot on the map represents the location where the alarm was triggered. You can zoom in and out as usual.

Detailed information about the alarm is shown in the area above the map.


Processing alarms

You can opt to process a single alarm at time or process multiple alarms together.

To process a single alarm, open its details as described above and click on the PROCESS button:



If you want to process more than one alarm at the same time, you can use the options Process all alarms, Process selected alarms and Process alarms listed below under the hamburger menu:



Process all alarms will mark all unprocessed alarms as processed.

Process selected alarms will process only the alarms that are selected with the checkbox on the list.

Finally, Process alarms listed below will take into consideration the filters applied at the moment to process fewer alarms.


Once you choose how to process your alarm(s), you will be able to provide some notes if needed:


Important note: Alarms that are older than seven days will be automatically marked as processed.


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