
Numbered Stops on Map Routes


Planning and Optimizing Routes with Frotcom

Frotcom offers multiple ways to plan and optimize routes for your vehicles. This guide shows various methods into a single tutorial for ease of use.

Viewing your route with numbered stops

With Frotcom, following your route is easy with numbered markers for each stop. Here’s how you can use this feature to plan and follow your routes:

Identifying stops on your route

  1. Start of the route: The beginning of your route is marked with a green numbered marker. This indicates your starting point.
  2. Adding stops: Each time you add a new stop by dragging the Directions Token from the infopanel to a location on the map, it will be considered the last stop and marked with a red numbered marker.
  3. Intermediate stops: As you add more stops, the previous stop will change to a blue numbered marker, and the newly added stop will be marked with a red numbered marker. This sequential numbering helps you easily follow the order of stops.
  4. End of the Route: The final destination of your route will always be marked with a red numbered marker, signifying the end of your journey.


Using the Drag-and-Drop Functionality

You can adjust your route by clicking and dragging points on the map. These points won’t be counted as stops until you convert them to a destination. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Drag a point: Click on any point along your route and drag it to a new location. This point will not be counted as a stop until you decide to convert it.
  2. Convert to a stop: To make this dragged point an official stop, right-click on the point and select Convert to destination. It will then be assigned a blue numbered marker in the sequence.

Finding the Best Path between Two or More Locations

You can find the best path for your routes using three methods:

  • Dragging and Dropping the Directions Token on the Map
  1. Select the Directions Tab in the infopanel.
    1. Drag the Directions Token from the infopanel to your start location on the map.
    2. The first stop is marked with a green number.
    3. Continue dragging the token to add more stops. Each time you add a new stop, Frotcom considers it to be the last stop so it will be marked with a red numbered marker.
    4. Intermediate stops will be marked with blue numbered markers.
    5. Click Calculate to see the best path.
  2. Right-Clicking on a Location on the Map
    1. Right-click on your start location on the map and choose Drive from here. The point will be marked with a green number.
    2. Right-click on subsequent locations and choose Drive through here or Drive to here for intermediate and end points, marked with blue and red numbers, respectively.
    3. Click Calculate to get the optimal path.
  3. Choosing actions from an Infobox
    1. Click on a Place or Vehicle to open its infobox.
    2. Select Drive from here from the hamburger menu. The start point will be marked with a green number.
    3. For intermediate and end points, follow the same steps to mark them with blue and red numbers.
    4. Click Calculate to find the best route.

Rendering Waypoints to Optimize the Path

To minimize the total mileage by ordering waypoints:

  1. add all the stops you need.
  2. Click on the Options button above the list of addresses and check Allow waypoints reordering
  3. Click Calculate. The waypoints will be reordered to optimize the path, reducing total mileage while keeping the start and end points fixed.

Viewing and Printing the Itinerary

After calculating the route:

Click on the SEE ITINERARY link to view the detailed route with the numbered stops.

You can print the itinerary by clicking on the Print Itinerary button in the modal that opens.


Modifying the Suggested Path

To adjust the path without adding new stops, rearrange the Path on Maps:

  1. Hover over the calculated path until a point appears.
  2. Drag and drop the point to the desired location. The path will adjust accordingly without creating an intermediate destination.
  3. If you need the path to follow specific points, assign the route to the vehicle using the Enforce path option. This ensures the navigation system respects the specified path.
  4. You can convert a point to a destination at any time by right-clicking the point and selecting the Convert to Destination option.

Removing a Waypoint

To remove a waypoint from the path:

  1. Right-click on the waypoint.
  2. Choose Remove this point.
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