


Job can adopt different meanings, depending on each company's activity. For a company operating in the transportation business, a job might be transporting a load from one place to another. For a field services company, a job might be repairing a lift in an apartment building. For a sales force company, a job might be visiting a client to pick up new orders.

Job might consist of single or more tasks. On the following table are presented some job/task relations:

Single task jobs Multiple task jobs

Repairing a lift in an apartment building.

The job can be thought of as having one task:

1. Go to apartment building

Transporting a load from place A to place B.

The job can be thought of as having two tasks:

1. Pick up the load from Place A
2. Deliver the load from Place B

Visiting a client to pick up new orders.

The job can be thought of as having one task:

1. Go to client's premises


Each Task of each Job has always an associated status. The status indicates each Task's current situation. Following is Task status workflow. The direction of the arrows indicates interdependencies between statuses:





In a similar way, also a Job itself has an associated status. This status will be defined by assessing the status of each Task that composes the Job. For Jobs, there are 10 different possible statuses:

Status Icon Description
Pending 64.JPG A Job is Pending when all its tasks are pending, i.e. not yet assigned to a vehicle.
Assigned 66.JPG Job is Assigned when all its tasks are assigned, i.e. all tasks have already been sent to mobile devices but not started yet.
In progress 67.JPG A Job is In progress when all its tasks are in Progress, i.e. when all tasks have already started but have not been completed yet.
Rejected 68.JPG Job is Rejected when all its tasks are rejected.
Suspended 69.JPG Job is Suspended when all its tasks are suspended.
Closed 71.JPG Job is Closed when all its tasks are closed, i.e. when all its tasks are already executed.
Cancelled 70.JPG Job is Canceled when all its tasks are canceled.
Closed with restrictions 73.JPG A Job is Closed with restrictions when it is composed of some tasks that are closed and other tasks that are canceled.
Multiple 72.JPG A Job is Multiple when it is composed of tasks with different status, e.g. assigned tasks, in progress tasks, suspended tasks or closed tasks.

To access the Jobs menu, click More on the map view and select Jobs:



The following screen will be displayed to you:



The Jobs feature contains three folders:

Folder Description

 Folder that contains Jobs of the following statuses:

  • Assigned
  • In progress
  • Suspended
  • Multiple

 Folder that contains Jobs of the following status:

  • Pending

 Folder that contains Jobs of the following statuses:

  • Closed
  • Canceled
  • Rejected
  • Closed with restrictions
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